This study presents the Romanian adaptation of The Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). The AMS scale was based on Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 1985) which identifies, along a continuum, from not self – determined behavior to self – determined, 3 different types of motivation: amotivation, extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation, grouped in seven dimensions. Two studies were conducted to examine the factorial structure and validity (i.e., construct, concurrent and predictive validity) of the scale along with its reliability properties. For study 1, the results obtained from a sample that included 228 students from the University of Bucharest, confirmed the 7 factors structure of the scale and verified adequate psychometric properties of this version (Cronbach alpha ranged between .69 to .87 with a mean of .81). Study 2, evaluated the temporal stability using a sample of 107 participants (r test-retest, ranged from .52 to .69). The findings of the present study showed that AMS is a valid measure and can be used in the Romanian cultural area.
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