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Published: 2012-05-06

The study of the obstacles and errors in the modern didactics. Particularizations for middle school mathematics: Methodological aspects of empirical research

Ovidius University, Constanța

Daniela Căprioară

Principal Lecturer PhD at the Didactic Staff Training Department, "Ovidius" University Constanta

didactics learning process obstacle error research methodology


The learning approach in a constructivist manner implies, among other things, considering the obstacles that arise in carrying out this process and are manifest, if they are not overcome, at the level of the learning outcome, by errors. In mathematics learning, some of these obstacles are isolated and more difficult to control didactically. However, most of them have a phenomenological character and, consequently, the identification of their nature (epistemological, psychological or didactic (Astolfi, 1997)) is required. This co-ordinate sets new dimensions to the didactic field, generating a new paradigm concerning the role of errors in mathematics study.


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How to Cite

Căprioară, D. (2012). The study of the obstacles and errors in the modern didactics. Particularizations for middle school mathematics: Methodological aspects of empirical research. Studia Doctoralia, 1(1-2), 114–129.