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Published: 2018-09-27

Practici evaluative-premise ale interacțiunii dintre cei doi actori educaționali: profesorul și elevul

Universitatea din București
metode de evaluare tradiționale metodele de evaluare alternative joc jucător strategii funcție de câștig


The concept of school evaluation has known over the years multiple approaches, which demonstrates the complexity of this process so important for the proper conduct of an educational approach. In the present article we study school evaluation in relation to the inter- occurring between teacher and student, studied from the perspective of game theory. We consider it pertinent analysis of evaluative approach in terms of the influence they exert on its relationship with subjective connotations -elev teacher, contextualized the particularities of each of the two educational actors. In the present paper, we propose a model of game theory, players are teacher and student. The purpose of this model is to demonstrate the theoretically how the two actors educational reach an agreement on the decisions you will make in terms of pupil assessment by the teacher.


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How to Cite

Tâlvan, M. (2018). Practici evaluative-premise ale interacțiunii dintre cei doi actori educaționali: profesorul și elevul. Studia Doctoralia, 5(1-2), 61–74.