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Published: 2018-09-27

Patru competențe cheie – Posibil cadru de referință pentru curriculumul integrat

school curriculum critical thinking collaborative learning problem solving efficient communication


What are the capabilities that have been identified and defined as transversal competences? One view is that any skills that are essential for navigating life could be classed as transversal competences. This does not mean that many familiar skills of the 20th and preceding centuries are no longer needed. But there are new skills emerging as increasingly important. Competence encompasses the quality and transferability of that action over time and context. No one performs a skill at the same level every time. No one operates at their maximum all the time.


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How to Cite

Țîmpău, C. T. (2018). Patru competențe cheie – Posibil cadru de referință pentru curriculumul integrat. Studia Doctoralia, 5(1-2), 4–21.