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Policies and trends in the field of psychological and educational research
Published: 2018-09-22

Where is the Romanian university heading at the beginning of the third Millenium?

entrepreneurial university university-labor market relationship triggering factors of change factors that block change


This article presents some of the results obtained from a larger empirical study conducted during the period 2008-2011 in five universities that have the traditional, tehnical and economic profiles in Romania. Our basic approach was the qualitative-quantitative analysis of the possibility of the Romanian higher education to assimilate the entrepreneurial perspective in the current practices from two different perspectives, i.e. teachers and students. The theoretical model of our study belongs to the acclaimed author Burton R. Clark (1998) who identified five ways to develop an entrepreneurial-oriented university (a well-established decision-making center, an extended dynamic periphery, a diversified funding base, a well-stimulated academic core, an integrated entrepreneurial culture), without being literally considered.


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How to Cite

Pana, C.-M. (2018). Where is the Romanian university heading at the beginning of the third Millenium?. Studia Doctoralia, 2(1), 41–53.