The primary aim of this study is to enhance our understanding of the factors driving nature relatedness in the context of Instagram usage by investigating the potential associations between users' identification with nature, environmental subjectivity, physical connection, self-esteem, and the intensity of their Instagram usage. In the realm of Instagram use, a premise has been posited that discernible behavioral distinctions exist between active and passive users of the platform. This premise assumes significance in examining the relationship between nature relatedness, self-esteem, and Instagram use. To address this research objective, a quantitative online survey was administered, encompassing measures of nature relatedness and participant-reported information pertaining to their Instagram usage. The findings of this research reveal a correlation between nature relatedness and the intensity of Instagram use. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that Instagram may serve as a valuable platform for fostering nature relatedness among its users. This finding underscores the potential significance of Instagram as a tool for promoting environmental awareness and sustainability.
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