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Published: 2022-11-01

The Relationship between Meaningful Work and Cyberloafing: The Mediating Role of Boredom at Work

University of Bucharest
meaningful work boredom at work cyberloafing


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role that Meaningful Work plays in deterring Cyberloafing behaviors. Thus, this paper tested whether the relationship between the two variables is a negative one. The research also tested the mediating role of Boredom at Work on the relationship between Meaningful Work and Cyberloafing. The scientific literature supports the association between the absence of meaning at work and boredom at work. At the same time, studies show that employees facing Boredom at Work turn behaviorally to compensatory activities, which provide them with the stimulation they need. In this sense, Cyberloafing can be seen as a coping mechanism in relation to Boredom at Work. Data was collected on a sample of 218 participants via an online questionnaire. Hypotheses testing was done using the PROCESS add-on. Although the results revealed that there is no statistically significant direct relationship between Meaningful Work and Cyberloafing, an indirect, statistically significant, mediating relationship was identified, respectively Boredom at Work mediates the relationship between Meaningful Work and Cyberloafing.


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How to Cite

Ojică, A.-S. (2022). The Relationship between Meaningful Work and Cyberloafing: The Mediating Role of Boredom at Work. Studia Doctoralia, 13(2), 133–138.