The present study aims to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and interpersonal relationships, more precisely the typologies specific to interpersonal problems, mediated by the variable alexithymia. This study involved 121 people aged between 18 and 62 years, M= 31.31 and SD= 11.66, 32 men and 89 women. The scales used were the Attachment Styles Questionnaire, The Alexithymia Toronto Scale, and The Inventory for Interpersonal Problems. The results showed that the secure attachment is positively associated only with the dominant style, and the avoidant attachment is positively associated only with the dominant, conflicting, and cold styles, while the anxious attachment is positively associated with all eight styles specific to interpersonal conflicts. Regarding the role of alexithymia, it mediates the relationship between the two variables, more precisely the secure attachment has no association with these variables, alexithymia mediates the relationship between avoidant attachment and conflicting, cold and naive types, as well as the relationship between anxious attachment and dominant, conflicting types, cold, insecure and naive. Following the results, we can say that the study data are consistent and can contribute to the development of the specialized area in the field.
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