The eLearning instruments that have been researched in the last few years represent a necessity for the Romanian primary school also within the development of the alternative learning sources. These cognitive instruments as D.H. Jonassen names them, are utilized in the USA and are researched in other countries, too (France) in order to be implemented. The aim of this article is to implement and to recommend the utilization of electronic models: text and image processing sheets, presentation sheets, spreadsheets in the teachinglearning process in primary school.
According to this aim, the research hypothesis has been issued in keeping with which we anticipate to be able to offer a well thought training in the eLearning field by updating the teaching and learning process with the help of the implementation of a set of electronic models which will increase the intercepting coefficient, the motivation, stimulation, imagination and enthusiasm degree for the learning actors and will redefine the teacher-pupil relation. The main objectives which derive from the hypothesis of our study confine to establishing the impact of electronic models of the eLeaming Set that has been proposed to be implemented on the actors primary school in the teaching-learning process; rendering the teaching-learning process efficient by implementing cognitive models with electronic support; working out an operational guide that contains scientific-practical recommendations and lesson models that utilize PeL; enriching the mathematical thinking.
The study sample covers a population that wishes to know, to participate in the implementing of the new technologies. The sample was composed as follows: 121 teachers in primary schools, most of them students of the University in Pite
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